The classic designer handbag is always the pursuit of celebrities. For instance, theSuede Asphalt Bag from Louis Vuitton. We’ve seen Kate Moss carry this Louis Vuitton Suede Asphalt Bag, and now, we see Sienna Miller toting the same bag. Her outfit, consisting of yellow pointed shoes, boxy shirt and grey pants, is not a blog-worthy subject, but that bag is sure is a worthy piece to talk about.
The very refined and minimal design of this bag is what makes it timeless. Film director Sofia Coppola designed this purse with inspiration from Louis Vuitton’s iconic Speedy and Keepall shapes. It measures about 14.3 x 9 x 7.9 inches and is made entirely from suede calf leather.
It also has calf leather trimmings and as well as lining with golden brass pieces for added class. It opens through a wide zipper along the top and it would show long patch and zipped pockets on the inside with padlock and key holder. This can be hand or shoulder carried through its double top handles and adjustable, removable strap with comfortable shoulder pad.And since this Louis Vuitton Suede Asphalt Bag comes in block-color, pairing this with any types of wear should keep you in style. But still, try to pull your attire together for a complementing look than what Sienna Miller has shown in this picture. Find a Louis Vuitton Handbag on sale at
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