I must preface this because a couple of months previous to our trip I had a dream about a black Birkin. In my dream I owned a 35 cm Black Birkin and it was perfection and I spent every mili-second of that dream telling everyone how perfect the replica bag is to me. Fast forward to our NYC trip and my dream came true. We left the Hermes store with a 35cm Black Clemence Birkin, a personal holy grail.
As with most expensive designer brands, prospective Hermes shoppers want to know whether the money for their products is well spent. For me, the answer is a definite yes.
We decided to splurge this time and stay at one of the most recognizable hotels worldwide. The Plaza Hotel, located in the heart of Manhattan on the corner of 5th Avenue and 59th Street, ranges among the most famous hotels in the world. After being closed for renovation, the Plaza Hotel re-opened with a star studded bash and a newly designed and refined interior. All this new luxury comes at a high cost. As with Hermes, is it worth the price? We like to believe that it is.Celebrating this opportunity, I took my Hermes collection to NYC, sans my precious Kelly Longue which was greatly missed. Not only did The Plaza offer fantastic accommodations after a long day scouring bag designer showrooms, but also the perfect canvas for photos of my Hermes babies. Venturing throughout the hotel, we quickly discovered the many special touches that were incorporated during the redesign process. From the doorknobs to the hallways, to the elevators, the hotel offered plenty of Shutterbag opportunities.We spent an hour each day exploring the hotel and tried to take in every aspect of it. The first time I knew I wanted needed to stay at the Plaza Hotel was after watching Home Alone 2 many years ago. If you happened to visit during the same week we were, I am sure you saw us walking around with my three Hermes bags, posing in hallways, snapping in the bar, by the pictures, on the chairs. In the end, we created one of my favorite photos ever, A Family Portrait.We promised more to the story of my new Hermes Birkin and many more pictures, so here you have it. To win your own Hermes Birkin, make sure to enter our giveaway.
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