Guangzhou is China's largest bags, leather bag production and trade, with nearly 30,000 base home bags, leather handbag factory, specialized production and trade market more than 50, such as zhonggang leather townHermes Birkin, gold billion leather town, baiyun leather trade center, color leather city, area of leather and ziyuangang professional market, currently overall production technology, the scale of production, product quality, innovative ability are in a leading position in the country. Due to the adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao, the pearl river delta, the latest fashion information on products for the material aspects of initiative, guangzhou has become occupy the most important bags, leather bag production base and information center. Guangzhou due professional market concentration, leather products, the latest fashion information in the aspects of material gain initiative, thus occupying product design and technology level in the leather industry leading position, become the biggest leather products production, development and sales of base. Export value for the 1/3 aboveHermes Birkin , is important position. It has been to guangzhou purchasing businessmen at home and abroad of trade agreement.
Connecting guangzhou, export domestic number two, sharing of 100,000 buyers
Guangzhou, follows two previous domestic exports, Canton of foreign goods, 20 million over 170 countries and regions, the turnover of more than $10 billion, thousands of businessmen, unlimited business opportunities, The exhibition of China in article 108 import and export commodities fair (hereinafter referred to as autumn fair held after 3), and in the same place, only two pazhou, very convenient and professional bags, leather handbags traders and buyers to purchase. Will bring export, sale in domestic market. In order to facilitate the buyers, the organizer and travel around each professional market in guangzhou, five-star hotels add free shuttle bus transfers foreign and dongguanHermes Purse, huadu, shenzhen, Hong Kong's visit to the purchaser purchasing negotiation.
Asian missed opportunities - the 16th Asian games was held
The Asian games will be the largest and the history of the Asian games, the highest levels are expected to come from the world nearly 50 million viewers will be to visit. In order to improve the professional level and the content of the exhibition, the meeting of rich and colorful activities include many seminars, fashion show, fashion, leather bags, handbags display area, many global trade matching buyers and industrial development, this exhibition as the best platform for both parties, exhibition provides fair, open trade platform. In this exhibition will focus on innovation of leather handbag design products, in order to satisfy buyers to excavate the constantly changing and expanding demand, guangzhou Asian share the fruits of economic development era. Thousands of businessmen, unlimited business opportunities. We believe that everyone will have double surprise, there is the harvest, guangzhou Asian trip, you have me more brilliant!
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